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This project analyze the impact of phase noise on OFDM systems. Phase noise is introduced by local oscillators, and it creates inter-carrier interference (ICI). The tasks of this project are as follows.
• Build an OFDM system: Consider an OFDM transmitter with BW= 20 MHz, 64 subcarriers, and CP length of 16. Assume an AWGN channel.
• Model phase noise: Introduce a phase noise in the OFDM receiver, which is modeled in [1]. Consider f3dB = {50, 100, 150}.
• Phase compensation algorithm: Implement the phase noise correction algorithm used in [1].
• Results: Study the symbol error rate with variations of SNR over [0, 30]dB in the presence and absence of the compensation algorithm.
[1] D. Petrovic, W. Rave and G. Fettweis, “Intercarrier interference due to phase noise in OFDM - estimation and suppression,” Vehicular Technology Conference, 2004. VTC2004-Fall. 2004 IEEE 60th, 2004, pp. 2191-2195.